Sarita Westrup
’continuous nurture’
March 29- May 10, 2025
Erin Cluley Projects
150 Manufacturing Blvd.
Dallas, Texas
images by Loam Marketing
Opening Reception: Wednesday, April 9, 6 – 8pm
In Conjunction with Dallas Art Fair Design District Gallery Night
exhibition preview
Erin Cluley Gallery is pleased to announce continuous nurture, an exhibition of work by Texas-native, North Carolina-based fiber artist Sarita Westrup. The exhibition will debut new sculpture completed during the artist’s one-year residency at the Penland School of Craft in Western North Carolina. Replicating forms from nature and the built environment, Westrup’s weaving reimagines surroundings from her childhood growing up in McAllen, a border town in Texas. Her sculptural tunnels, archways, and loops reference vernacular architecture along the Mexican American border and human body parts, extending these forms into nurturing woven composites. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and the devastation it brought to the Carolinas in 2024, continuous nurture shows Westrup turning inwards, with her work following suit, to the comforting center of the body. Her new work emphasizes the warming heart of interwoven forms, and the disconnect migration enacts on our physical and mental presences.
Westrup’s approach to basketry focuses on repetition of shape and organic forms. The artist’s use of reed, cochineal ink, a traditional organic dye of the Americas, and mortar transforms everyday objects, such as bags her father brought to her from craftspeople in Mexico as a child. Like geopolitical borders, her sculptures balance openness with obscurity. continuous nurture presents baskets woven around Westrup’s lower body. These disconnected thighs, calves, and feet are molded from life-sized casts; they explore the effects of recent travels as she left the weather stricken East Coast for refuge in her home state of Texas, then back to her studio at Penland. dispersion and home (2025) positions fragments of Westrup’s legs in wire around a thin tube basket with crimson coloring. The wire leg fragments are transparent, allowing an intimate view into the uncovered parts of her. A looping “umbilical cord” shape connects Westrup’s disparate parts into a loose portrait of her moving body among the world.
The work in continuous nurture situates itself in the physical memory of Westrup. Abstract and representational subjects come from specific places in her past and present, pointing towards personal and collective futures. In the artist’s work, baskets are a symbol of nourishment and comfort. Holding the shape of their molds, Westrup’s baskets console the outline of things: this consolation is then frozen in place. Weaving acts as an analogue for crossing language, cultural, and corporeal boundaries throughout her life. The flowing state of her lived experience holds for a moment between interlaced reeds.
continuous nurture will be the artist’s second solo presentation with Erin Cluley Gallery. It will be exhibited concurrently with an exhibition of new work by Chul-Hyun Ahn.
- by Harrison Blake of Erin Cluley Gallery
“What does it mean to be from a place that I love and feel connected to, but that is defined by its walls and barriers?” - Sarita Westrup
In this video, Westrup takes us behind the scenes of her creative process, from making ink with dried cochineal insects to weaving around her own body. Her work becomes a physical manifestation of her wish for easier immigration, emphasizing the warming heart of interwoven forms and the disconnect that migration enacts on our physical and mental presences.
Video by: Shalini Joseph with help from Harrison Blake of Erin Cluley Gallery